30 Years of Independence Award
/The Slovenian Amateur Radio Union will celebrate the country's 30 years of Independence by issuing a special award. It will be eligible to all amateur radio enthusiasts all over the World.
For this event only, starting 26th June 2021, 00:00 UTC and until 31st December 2021, 23:59 UTC, the Slovenian amateur radio stations can use special call signs. Those will add the number '30' into the suffix. For example: S50ZZ will be S5030ZZ, S51A will be S5130A, S57XXX will be S5730XXX etc.
In order to obtain the award a foreign amateur radio station must have at least 30 contacts with an S5 stations (regular and special call signs apply), out of which 10 or more with special prefixes ('30'). The use of any band/mode counts for the award.
Send the log - list of contacts (date, time, call, band and mode) to the following e-mail address: scc@hamradio.si. The same email also applies for any possible questions.
The award will be issued in electronic form and will be downloadable as a PDF file from the website of Slovenia Contest Club