2024 ARRL Field Day - Next Weekend

The theme for 2024 ARRL Field Day is “Be Radio Active.” All amateurs and prospective hams are encouraged to use the Field Day Station Locator (http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator) to do just that. Sites are encouraged to have a Get on the Air (GOTA) station for visitors interested in being able to get on the air from the Field Day location. In a change to the rules for 2024, each GOTA contact adds five bonus points, with no limit on the number of GOTA contacts.

We don’t want people who are actively operating to hit a points plateau and give up. This way, each contact adds bonus points, and it should give people a reason to stay radio active.
— ARRL Radiosport and Regulatory Information Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ.

Complete rules and other resources for the event may be found at www.arrl.org/field-day. We hope to hear your club on the air!

ARRL - https://www.arrl.org/news/view/2024-arrl-field-day-2-weeks-away-free-shipping-on-fd-merch

2024 ARRL Field Day

The National Association for Amateur Radio® is gearing up for the radio event of the summer: 2024 ARRL Field Day is 22-23 June 2024. The annual operating event is part contest, part emergency communications exercise, part public relations and outreach activity, and often a social highlight of the operating year.

Many ARRL Affiliated Clubs will be set up in visible locations to get together, get on the air, and to get the public involved in amateur radio. Find a location near you via the ARRL Field Day Site Locator. It’s ham radio’s open house!

The theme for 2024 ARRL Field Day is “Be Radio Active.” On-air activity has been especially strong thanks to the rising Solar Cycle 25, which is still yet to peak. The theme encourages hams to get out and get involved. There has never been a better time to be active in amateur radio!

Proclaiming Field Day!

Cities and states across the country have made special proclamations for Field Day. In Ohio, Iowa, New Hampshire, and other areas, the Governors have issued formal declarations honoring the community service provided by radio amateurs through programs like the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®). Share Field Day proclamations with ARRL at news@arrl.org.

More Information - https://arrl.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0zMDQ0NDAyJnA9MSZ1PTU0MTU1MTc1OSZsaT0zMzY1Mjg2NQ/index.html

80th Anniversary of the Allied Assault on Normandy Special Event

During 4-10 June 2024, Plusscouts will be operating a special event station at the D-Day Museum at Omaha Beach to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Allied Forces landing at Normandy on D-Day. The event callsign will be TM80DDAY.

Planned operating frequencies include:

  • 1.882 MHz LSB

  • 3.682 MHz LSB

  • 7.182 MHz LSB

  • 14.182 MHz USB

  • 21.182 MHz USB

  • 28.482 MHz USB

  • DMR TalkGroup 907 - JOTA

PlusScouts QRP Page - https://www.qrz.com/db/tm80dday