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Bill Barnes - WC3B

Bill is from Danville, Pennsylvania - USA, where he still resides with his wife and four children and is an Alumni and long-term employee of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania in the Office of Technology and Library Services.

Bill learned about Amateur Radio from his Commodore 64 days and the local hams who were involved with the C64. Passed his Technician license in March of 1991 with the help of Keith, KA3RZE (now KB3CB).  He upgraded to Tech Plus in 1998, and then upgraded to Extra class on April 15th 2000.

Having been licensed so long, Bill has explored various aspects of the hobby and currently is focused on:

  • Summits on the Air (SOTA) – chaser and activator.

  • Digital Modes on HF – Specifically RTTY contesting and DXing, PSK31/PSK63, and recently FT8.

  • General DX chasing on HF. {Received DXCC Millennium Award in 2000, finally filed for the DX Century Club (DXCC) in 2005.}

  • Pennsylvania QSO Party in October every year, his county is apparently rare….

Outside of Amateur Radio, Bill has various other hobbies, such as “retro” video gaming, OSR tabletop RPGs, recreational archery, and can sling a two-inch brush sometimes that makes you feel all happy inside, like the happy little trees you remember as a kid.

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