Brandmeister DMR Network to Stop Supporting Some DMR IDs

Beginning this summer, the Brandmeister DMR network will no longer support certain devices with DMR IDs that begin with the number 1. Hams utilizing the Brandmeister network with affected DMR IDs are encouraged to request a new ID from RadioID. Brandmeister is requiring their users to obtain DMR IDs that adhere to a Mobile Country Code (MMC) standard to help facilitate automated process that make up the Brandmeister network.

5-digit CAP+ IDs will stop working June 1st. 7-digit personal radio IDs starting with 1 will stop working January 1, 2026. Repeaters with 6-digit radio IDs starting with 1 will continue to work indefinitely.

Brandmeister Network -

PRESENETER OPINION : Rising Dues Lifts CEO & CFO’s Boats…

PRESENETER OPINION : Rising Dues Lifts CEO & CFO’s Boats…

There has been almost no issue that has raised the hackles of the ARRL membership like the July 2023 Board decision to raise dues. They also decided not to honor existing two- or three-year memberships that members had bargained for and paid their money. The often-used phrase, a rising tide lifts all boats, comes to mind here but in a perverse way. While President Kennedy used the phrase to great political benefit, it doesn’t translate well to all budgetary situations. Raising dues for the League might to some sitting around a Boardroom table be a means to cover shortfalls that the main attraction, QST, has accrued due to rising glossy color paper costs. But it won’t if that dues increase causes members to simply not renew! In fact, it might be a very poor fiduciary decision by the Board that is detrimental to the best interests of the non-profit corporation.

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