Ed Durrant DD5LP
Ed Durrant - DD5LP
Ed Durrant is a well-traveled Amateur / Ham Radio operator originally hailing from Yorkshire England.
Originally licenced as G8GLM, Ed re-joined the hobby in Australia where he was licenced as VK2ARE (Amateur Radio Enthusiast), replacing with VK2JI.
Ed enjoys Summits of the Air (SOTA) and is a proactive chaser and activator.
In 2013, whilst in Australia, Ed organised and ran the first and so far only Contest University in Australia.
Ed returned to his wife’s homeland of Germany, and now operates using the callsign DD5LP
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It works! The two-element, two band (20 & 10m), single mast, HF Beam is finished at last and has brought in 20w SSB contacts with W, ZS, VK and ZL as well as most European countries from two SOTA activations in DL.
Sounds too good to be true? Well remember the physics of antennas don't really care whether equipment has got some big companies name on it or not, as long as it's the correct size and set up close to what is needed it'll work no matter how scruffy it looks and running low power means it can be made backpacker portable. I have created three different versions of the antenna, each of which can be single or multi-band.
My New years resolution was to finish this antenna and document it for others to build, despite some bad weather sessions (snow, winds, ice, rain etc.) I have now closed out this resolution.