Scotland Special Event - GB2CR

Special event station GB2CR will be active from Invergordon, Scotland, between 4th - 18th March 2021.

The special callsign's suffix "CR" stands for 'Collins Radio'.

During the GB2CR operation, the equipment will be vintage valve/tube radio equipment manufactured by the Collins Radio Company (1933-1971) of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, U.S.A.

Chris, GM3WOJ/GM2V, will also use the special callsign from his home station near Invergordon using a KWM-2A transceiver, 312B-5 external VFO/control unit and 516F-2 AC power supply. An amplifier and good antennas will be used -- with operations on 80-10 meters; mostly SSB with some CW.

Sorry - no paper QSLs - LoTW only. GB2CR will have a real-time logging system, with an online webpage, which feeds all QSOs directly to ClubLog.

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