KA6LMS – Special Radio Event

The Last Man Standing Amateur Radio Club is joining with a team of seasoned special-event operators around the United States to present a multi-band, multi-mode special event celebrating the prime-time network TV show for its positive and accurate portrayal of amateur radio.

During its nine seasons, the Last Man Standing ARC operated as KA6LMS from real radios on the set during production breaks, making thousands of contacts with the show’s amateur radio fans.

The special-event team includes the Long Island, N.Y.-based Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, the 12 Days of Christmas and the K2Heroes teams.

DMR operation and DSTAR on REF012A will be courtesy of the Los Angeles based PAPA Repeater system. DSTAR on REF030B will be courtesy of Georgia DSTAR.

The intent is to operate on as many bands and modes as possible, including SSB, CW, and several digital modes. Satellite and repeater operation is also encouraged.

A number of Bonus Stations with special 1-by-1 call signs and KA6LMS /(Call Area) guest operators will be positioned around the country to increase access to the event. When the actual “on-set” radios are in operation, the Bonus Stations may act as relays to assist in contacting KA6LMS.

Participating stations may download a QSL certificate. A special, “Clean Sweep” certificate will be available for those who qualify.

KA6LMS and a number of affiliated stations will live stream their operations. At times, the AmateurLogic.TV team will pick up video feeds from active stations to provide commentary and context.

The event will start at 00:00 UTC on 24th March 2021 and end at 23:59 UTC on 30th March 2021, the last day of shooting for the show, which is concluding its long, successful run.

Operations will always be spotted online.