Clubs as Hubs?
/Amateur Radio Clubs in the Somerset area of the UK are being invited to take part in a local day conference later this year to find ways of supporting each other, connecting with people in a rural setting, and growing the hobby.
Richard, G4JJP, one of the organisers, said: “Increasing age, declining membership, and apparent irrelevance don’t have to define Amateur Radio. But we do need to change the way we connect with each other and with interested groups if we are to halt the decline.”
The Chairmen of seventeen clubs in the Somerset area have been invited by MidSomerset Amateur Radio Club to discuss the proposal with their members.
“We’ve already had great support from Clubs as far apart as Glastonbury and Exeter, and the local RSGB reps have offered some great new thinking. The idea of Clubs as ‘Hubs’ in a wider network is one idea that we will be exploring”
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