SARL VHF QSO Party and Hammies Sprint

The SARL VHF / UHF QSO Party is on the air on Saturday 8 June 2019 and the Hammies Sprint is on the air on Sunday 9 June 2019.

The VHF/UHF QSO Party is a fun activity to make QSOs without using a repeater and will run from 12:00 to 16:00 UTC with FM and SSB activity on 6, 4 and 2 meters and on 70 and 23 cm as per the band plan.

QSOs must be two-way point to point and the exchange is your call sign, your name and age and a signal report. Try making QSOs on different bands. Submit your log sheets by Monday 17 June by e-mail to All the log sheets will be entered into a lucky draw.

The Hammies Sprint is a fun activity to promote contacts between Hammies and radio amateurs in Southern African countries with an emphasis on ZU stations and will run from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC next Sunday.

The exchange is a RS report and your and provincial abbreviation, stations outside South Africa give a RS report and DX. Phone activity takes place between 7 063 and 7 100 and between 7 130 and 7 200 kHz.

Logs, in ADIF, Cabrillo or MS Excel labelled "my call sign Hammies," must be submitted by e-mail by Sunday by 16 June 2019 to or

The MS Excel log sheet can be found on the Competition page of the League web site. The rules for both contests can be read in the 2019 SARL Blue Book.

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