AM and CW on ANZAC Day 2018

The traditional AM and CW event organised by Mike 'Banjo' Patterson VK4MIK and the Tablelands Radio Group of Far North Queensland, will take place for the 8th year on 25th April 2018.

The event idea came from a telephone conversation between Mike and World War 2 Coastwatcher in Papua New Guinea, Lionel Veale. Lionel set up his ATR4A HF radio and orientated the antenna from behind enemy lines. Lionel was one of those brave Coastwatchers who sent back vital information.

The concept developed by the Tableland Radio Group in Far North Queensland basically asks us to consider changing modes on ANZAC Day nets, as an honour and Amateur Radio salute to those who served or are serving.

This is not a contest, by a way to honour those modes used by service personnel in earlier wars.