40th Anniversary Club Special Event Callsign
/From 1 to 30 November 2017, the Bo-Karoo Amateur Radio Club will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the commissioning of the Vanderkloof Dam with the special callsign ZS40VDK.
As part of these celebrations, the Club is hosting the ZS40VDK Bash at the Sandgat Resort just outside the town of Vanderkloof on Saturday 18 November. The Bash includes the Club AGM, a potjieskos competition and a dance.
The Vanderkloof Dam (originally the PK Le Roux Dam) is situated approximately 130 km downstream from the Gariep Dam and is fed by the Orange River, South Africa's largest river.
The dam was commissioned in 1977. Vanderkloof Dam is the second-largest dam in South Africa (in volume) and has the highest dam wall in the country at 108 metres.