Operation Veritable Special Event

Radio Club Limburg (RCL) is operating special event station PA8ØOV to honor the Allied pincer movement during World War II. The event will be active 13th - 28th February 2025. PA8ØOV will be active on SSB, CW, and various digital modes. SQL cards will be available.

The event is also open to the public for those that will be near the city of Gennep in the old town hall.

This event runs every 5 years, with the next event scheduled to take place in 2030. See the PA8ØOV website for more details.

Radio Club Limburg - https://radioclublimburg.nl/pa80ov/

George Washington's Birthday Special Event

The Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club (MVARC) will be active this weekend under callsign K4US to celebrate George Washington's birthday. The club will be on the air from the greenhouse of the Mount Vernon Estate. This is a limited engagement with the club being on the air between 10 AM and 3 PM Eastern Time on Saturday, and between 8:30 AM and 11 AM Sunday. Listen for K4US on SSB and CW. QSL cards are available.

K4US on QRZ - https://www.qrz.com/db/K4US

Attending WRTC2026

The organisers of QRTC 2026 have added a Bookings menu option to the website. A sub page called ‘Register Interest in Attending WRTC2026’ is available.

Please visit here to let us know if you are considering attending, whether as a spectator or competitor.

This will help us know who to reach out to when we launch the booking system and also you’ll be contacted before we make it available to everyone. It also helps us plan numbers for accommodation, etc.

WRTC2026 - https://www.wrtc2026.org/