80th Anniversary of the Allied Assault on Normandy Special Event

During 4-10 June 2024, Plusscouts will be operating a special event station at the D-Day Museum at Omaha Beach to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Allied Forces landing at Normandy on D-Day. The event callsign will be TM80DDAY.

Planned operating frequencies include:

  • 1.882 MHz LSB

  • 3.682 MHz LSB

  • 7.182 MHz LSB

  • 14.182 MHz USB

  • 21.182 MHz USB

  • 28.482 MHz USB

  • DMR TalkGroup 907 - JOTA

PlusScouts QRP Page - https://www.qrz.com/db/tm80dday

UK Six Metre Group Summer Marathon

The UK Six Metre Group Summer Marathon is under way.

The activity is open to all amateur radio operators worldwide and membership of the Group is not required.

The objective is to work as many four-digit grid squares as possible between the 4 May and the 4 August on the 6m band. Logs can be submitted until the 18 August 2024.

UK Six Metre Group Summer Marathon - http://uksmg.org/

RNLI 200th Anniversary Celebrations

Poole Radio Society, located on the south coast of England, have been invited to participate in the RNLI 200th anniversary celebrations on the 18th and 19th May 2024 as they have their HQ at Poole, Dorset.

The group are planning to participate with suitable demonstrations, special call etc. There will be thousands of attendees - the event is open air on Poole Quay - and this is by far the biggest event the Poole Radio Society have participated in, aiming to present amateur radio in the best possible light (and recruit hams from the boating community!)

Poole Amateur Radio Society G4PRS - http://www.g4prs.org.uk