RSGB Jubilee activities Ends

The RSGB are bringing their Jubilee activities to a close as a mark of respect for the Queen. The website is being updated and the Innovation 70 award has been cancelled.

Any radio amateur who has collected QSOs between 1 – 30 June 2022 for the Jubilee Award 70 may still submit their application to the Awards Manager before 31 October. Details of how to do so will remain on our website

Award 70 -

Special 9/11 Call Sign

The station WA2NYC is a remembrance of the 21st anniversary on the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.

Remembrance for the over twenty-nine hundred souls that were lost on that day.

The station will operate between 0000z, 11th September until 0300z, 12th September 2022.

Suggested frequencies are: 28450, 21350, 14340, 7238 and D-STAR Reflector XLX020B will be monitored at the top of the hour. They will also be uploading QSOs to LoTW.

If you would like a QSL card, PLEASE send a SASE to the club address: Wireless Association Of New York City, 233 Wolverine St, Staten Island, NY 10306-1746, USA.

The Ultimate in SOTA/POTA/Portable All in One event

Amateurs throughout the US are being urged to sign up and activate parts of the famous Appalachian Trail in the nation’s East Coast. The trail has six national parks, eight national forests, more than 40 SOTA summits and over 65 state parks and forests with POTA designations. This is the event’s second year and it’s a dramatic way to get hams out of their shacks and into the woods and on trails during a most colourful and beautiful time of year in this region of the United States.

Chasers around the world will be listening but right now hams are simply signing up since the event is not until 1st and 2nd October 2022. The event was inspired by the experiences of one ham, Mike WB2FUV, who lives in the mountain region of northern NYS and fell in love with operating QRP there.