Route 66 On the Air Special Event

Route 66 On the Air Special Event

The annual Route 66 On the Air Special Event will take place 10-18 September 2022. The purpose of the event is to commemorate the history of the "Mother Road" connecting the east and west United States.

Now in its 23rd year, the Northern Arizona DX Association (NADXA) started the event, which is now coordinated by the Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club (CBARC) in San Bernardino, California.

There will be 21 stations with 1x1 call signs on the air from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, California, all with consecutive calls starting with W6. NADXA will operate three of the 21 stations, including W6G (Flagstaff, Arizona), and W6S (Arizona Rover 1). They'll set up at various spots along Route 66 east of Flagstaff, and W6T (Arizona Rover 2) will be set up in Bellemont. Later in the week, the event will be moved to Parks, on old Route 66, west of Flagstaff.

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United States Special Event

Look for special event station N3U/Flt93 (N3U/United Flight 93) to be activated once again between 9-14th September, to remind 'Amateur Radio Operators World-Wide' of the tragic events that happened near Shanksville (Pa), New York City and Washington DC, on 11th September 2001.

This will be the 13th year for N3U and this memorial operation.

Bob, W3BTX (Trustee W3PN/P41USA/N3U), informs OPDX, "N3U was 1st activated in 2010 and has continued every year since. We also ran a special Aruba call P41USA for several years but COVID 19 got in the way."

Activity will be on all bands that are open at the time using mostly FT8/FT4 as well as CW and SSB.

QSL via club callsign W3PN ( if needed. LoTW will also be used for logging all Digital, SSB and CW.

Remembrance Day Contest

This weekend is the RD contest which commemorates the Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area.

A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants.

The aim of the contest is for Amateurs to contact other amateurs in all VK call areas, ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE, CW and RTTY as per the era being remembered.

VKCL is the logging software that will allow HF and VHF/UHF contacts to be logged. Although there are a few other loggers to use, N1MM is suitable but only if the HF sections are being entered.

Full rules and other information can be found on the WIA website -