ILLW on track for 25th Anniversary

ILLW on track for 25th Anniversary

200 entries have just clicked over for the 25th anniversary of this popular fun event held every year on the 3rd weekend in August.

Despite Covid 365 entrants registered last year down around 100 from the usual number. Germany, Australia, the USA and the UK have the most entries but it’s good to see entries from smaller countries such as Barbados, Cyprus, Isle of Man, Malta, Trinidad & Tobago.

Entrants are reminded that the objective of the weekend is to have fun and at the same time highlight the plight of lighthouses that suffer from lack of care and maintenance. Showing the public all about Ham radio is also a side benefit. Amassing heaps of contacts as in a contest is certainly discouraged.

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Thirteen Colonies Special Event Runs Through 8th July 2022

The Thirteen Colonies Special Event, one of the amateur radio calendar's most popular activities, started calling QRZ on Friday 1st July 2022 at 1300 UTC, running through to 8th July 2022 at 0400 UTC. Operators will be based on each of the original 13 US colonies and at bonus stations in England, Pennsylvania, and France. The event honors the original 13 colonies that fought for American independence and honours military veterans and those still active in the service.

This 14th annual nonprofit event is also dedicated to Tom Francis, W1TEF, who had served as the state manager for South Carolina, which is using the special event call sign K2L. Tom became a Silent Key in March of 2020.

Thirteen Colonies Special Event -

Youth on the Air Camp 2022

The camp for young amateur radio operators in North, Central, and South America will operate special event station W 8 Y throughout the camp from June 12-17 and will stream the opening and closing ceremonies on YouTube.

YOTA campers will be operating special event station W8Y from both the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in Ohio, as well as the camp hotel.

The opening and closing ceremonies will be streamed live on the Youth on the Air YouTube channel. The opening ceremony is Sunday 12th June 2022 from 2100Z to 2230Z, and will feature keynote speaker Dr. Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, the founder of HamSCI.

The closing ceremony is Friday 17th June 2022 from 1700Z to 1800Z. The channel will also feature a daily highlight video spotlighting the activities of the previous day.

For additional information, please contact Camp Director Neil Rapp, WB9VPG at