Hamzilla Radio Rally On!!!

We have been advised that the Hamzilla Radio and Electronics Fair will take place on Sunday 13th March 2022.

The event takes place in Sandwich, Kent, UK

Further details to follow, including how to book a trader table, attractions and more.

The ICQPodcast will be attending this event

Canvey Rally 2022 Cancelled

We have been advised that the South Essex Amateur Radio Society have cancelled the 2022 Canvey Amateur Radio Rally.

It is with a great deal of disappointment that we need to announce the cancellation of the February 2022 Canvey Rally.

We feel at this time, with rising Covid numbers and while we are heading into the winter, where these figures will no doubt rise further, it would be unwise to hold such an event, Our concerns above all, have to be for our Visitors safety.

This is very disappointing as I am sure you will agree, but we feel it for the best.

There has also been discussions about the possibility of running a rally later in the year if circumstances allow. We will keep you posted.

Stay safe everyone.
— Tony G0JYI

Ham Radio 2020 Cancelled

Europe’s largest Ham Radio Expo, Ham Radio Friedrichshafen, has fallen to the COVID-19 virus.The event was due to take place over the last weekend of June 2020.

Due to current developments relating to the coronavirus, we have the unfortunate duty of announcing that we cannot hold the 45th edition of Ham Radio as planned.
— Klaus Wellmann, Managing Director of Messe Friedrichshafen
Our members, domestic and foreign guests, and we ourselves have been hit hard by this decision, which now became necessary to make on short notice. Until we get together again in Friedrichshafen, we as amateur radio operators are looking forward to keeping in contact with one another using amateur radio
— Christian Entsfellner, Chair of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC)

The 2021 event is planned for 25-27 June 2021

Ham Radio Friedrichshafen - https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com/