Review Club Finder Information for your Club

If you are a member of an RSGB-affiliated club or society, the RSGB is encouraging you to check that your organisation’s details are up to date on Club Finder.

The RSGB Club Finder allows people to search for local amateur radio groups. Those people could want to join your group, find out more about amateur radio before taking their Foundation licence exam or perhaps need support for British Science Week activities.

Updating your listing is easy. Just log into your club’s Membership Services account at and go to the ‘UK Club Finder’ section. The form includes a section called ‘Meeting details’ where you can add helpful information about disabled access, as well as details about both physical and online meetings.

The Society will update Club Finder with any new data between 4pm and 6pm every Friday afternoon. If you wish your update to appear before the weekend, please ensure you update your details before 3pm on Fridays.

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