FT8 - SUPERFOX Cracked
/One of the features in the recently released Superfox version of FT8 for DXpeditions was a security key to validate the DXpedition station as being really who they say they are and not a pirate station using their call sign. Unfortunately, this security has been cracked enabling stations to claim that they are a rare DXpedition station and those people working them are disappointed when they find that they did not work the DXpedition station after all.
Why do stations pirate other's callsigns, just to cause trouble?
One reason that has been put forward in the Funk-Telegramm article for the code being cracked is the fact that valid DXpeditions have been refused the needed security key to run SuperFox mode (which also allows many more stations to be worked in parallel when compared to "normal" FT8).
The keys are NOT managed by the WSJT group but rather by the NCDXF and it has been suggested in the article that their refusal to issue keys to some requesters "de-valued" those DXpedition group's chances of maximum contact numbers in the FT8 mode.
The WSJTx group are working to increase key security but one would hope that key allocation could be performed by an international independent body, rather than one involved in running and sponsoring DXpeditions to avoid the current accusations.