Club Grant Program to Return
/The ARRL Foundation Club Grant Program is returning for 2024. After receiving additional funding from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), the next round of grants will be available later this year. More than $500,000 in grants have been awarded to clubs across the country. This program centers around club projects that are transformational in nature (i.e., projects that have the greatest impact on the local community). Previously successful grants concentrated on the recruitment and training of new hams, STEM programs, emergency preparedness, and amateur radio technology development.
“ARRL is proud to partner with ARDC to administer the Club Grant Program. These grants offer an opportunity to have a significant impact on amateur radio’s future.”
More information will be announced on all ARRL news outlets in the coming weeks. Now is the time for your club to consider if you have a project that could qualify for a grant. Start thinking just how your club can impact amateur radio, today and in the future. Grants will be available for up to $25,000 and will include reporting and media requirements. Stay tuned for additional information, and get ready for the next round of the Club Grant Program.
ARRL Foundation Club Grant Program -