Raspberry Pi Net each Sunday on EchoLink and AllStarLink
/The official Raspberry Pi Net takes place each Sunday at 5:00 PM Eastern / 22:00 UTC on the ROC-HAM EchoLink Conference node 531091 and on AllStar node 2585, 47620, 47918, 531310.
Join W2JLD/John, GW8SZL/Dave, or W4RFJ/Chief each Sunday where they talk about Raspberry Pis, Linux, AllStar, Supermon, programming, and everything else Raspberry Pi.
With a wide cast of characters and plenty of Pi to go around, join us as we sit back and enjoy great fellowship and most of all have fun while learning something new. We often have a question and topic to get the net started. Loads of info is to be had. You bring the coffee, we will supply the Pi....
Raspberry Pi Net - https://www.roc-ham.net/pi-trivia-qa/