Meet the Newest Operattor in Australia: Santa!
/Yes there a lot of opportunities at this time of the year to work Santa Claus on the air -- but have you ever thought of a QSO with Santa from his QTH near the SOUTH Pole? Amateur radio can make it happen.
If you believe in Santa Claus - and who doesn't, am I right? - you probably believe that he lives only at the North Pole. Wrong! Santa has a summer home and here in Australia, you can find him in Wangara, Western Australia, where he is in his shack, excited to have finally got his Australian callsign. It's VK6SANTA and he's making good use of it right now through to the 24th of the month by hosting the VK6 Santa Amateur Radio Net.
Santa is a very happy new Australian op and he is spreading holiday cheer.
Visit his page on and you'll find that Santa is eager to work local hams as well as some DX - he's on 2 metres as well as 10, 20 and 40 metres. If all you want for Christmas is to get Santa in your Yuletide Log, you might just get your wish.
Source - ARNewsline