Liquid Metal Battery to Flow into the Commercial Market
/The unending search for better battery power with improved storage capacity has led to yet another innovative design - and this one is about to be released for commercial use.
A professor emeritus from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a liquid metal battery that he will soon be introducing into the commercial market as a low-cost, long-life option.
Donald Sadoway is a materials scientist who has focused on developing affordable batteries throughout his years of research He cofounded his company, Ambri, in 2010, as a way to commercialize his liquid metal battery, which contains molten metal electrodes and a molten salt electrolyte. The Massachusetts-based company will be working with Colorado-based Xcel Energy in early 2024. Ambri plans to install a 300-kWh system for the utility and expects it to be up and running late next year.
“The concept of a liquid-metal battery makes it unique for stationary storage. It’s not flammable, unlike lithium. And it’s resistant to capacity fade. We’ve got data on thousands of charge cycles, which is years of operation. This thing should go 20 years and still retain 95 percent of its capacity.”
An article on the IEEE Spectrum website said that the liquid-metal battery could lead to a substantial reduction in energy costs.
The scientist credits the battery's alternative components for creating a system design different from that found in lithium-ion batteries.
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