Get Ready for Another ARRL Dues Increase

In his editorial in the April issue of QST, David Minster, NA2AA, ARRL CEO pointedly said that we’re in for another ARRL dues increase. This is being followed up by a membership survey on what these dues increase will look like.

Now, personally, I don’t have a problem paying a little more. Costs increase, meaning that prices generally have to be raised. I can pay an extra $5 or $10 per year for my ARRL membership. A lot of hams, however, are going to view this as another reason to quit the ARRL, and the ARRL is going to take another membership hit.

I’ve been writing about ARRL membership issues for years. I may not be an expert in this field, but I can tell you that declining membership is not a good thing. I can also tell you that raising dues—while it may be a good, short-term financial strategy—is not a good, long-term membership strategy.

It seems to me that the ARRL is approaching this all wrong. For example, in the April editorial, Minster writes, “Members agree that $49 is a bargain for all that ARRL does to promote and protect amateur radio.” That statement is certainly debatable, but it misses the mark. I’d say that it’s not current members that the ARRL should worry about, but rather those that aren’t members.

The survey is another indication of this focus on current members. To even take the survey, you have to sign in to your ARRL membership account. I think that’s a mistake. Most—but not all—current members will renew if there’s a modest dues increase. What the ARRL should really be trying to find out is how a dues increase is going to affect their ability to recruit new members.

I’m not sure if it’s possible for the ARRL to break out of this downward membership spiral, but I hope that they can. I think both members and non-members would be more amenable to a dues increase if it was accompanied by a more comprehensive membership strategy. Without this comprehensive strategy, a dues increase is just a delaying tactic.

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