A Special Radio Wave for the Queen

The John O'Groat Journal reports the Caithness Amateur Radio Society (CARS) held a contact event in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee on the weekend of 25/26 June 2022.

During the month of June, radio clubs were allowed to add the Q phonetic to their call sign – so Caithness club became Mike Queen zero Foxtrot November Romeo, MQ0FNR instead of MS0FNR.

CARS club secretary, Nigel Mansfield, said: "With thanks to Shirley Farquhar and the trust committee of the Castle of Mey we were allowed to operate from the castle grounds, thus giving the event a royal connection.

Many members of the club attended to work the transmitter and contacts were made throughout Europe and the UK. Blessed with good weather the event was considered a success despite radio propagation signals being poor.
— Caithness Amateur Radio Society (CARS)

The club aims to promote amateur radio activities with like-minded amateur radio operators, constructors (present and future) and short wave listeners. CARS is always interested in finding new members.

Caithness Amateur Radio Society (CARS) - http://www.qsl.net/ms0fnr/