Ham Radio African Tour
/Harald, DF2WO, will once again be active as 9X2AW just north of Kigali (with a new Grid KI48xe) between 1-22nd June 2022.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters using mainly Digital modes (FT8, PSK31, JT65 and RTTY), with some CW and SSB. He will also use the QO-100 satellite on 2m and 70cm. He will have his FT991A and hopes to be on all bands using a vertical, dipoles, and homemade hexbeam made of bamboo and wires. For QO-100 he will have an 80cm dish and BU500 rig, one watt.
After Rwanda he plans to go to Burkina Faso (signing XT2AW) and Cape Verde (siging D44TWO) in September. QSL via M0OXO or his OQRS. See QRZ.com for more details and pictures.