ARRL Announces New World Wide Digital Contest

The ARRL World Wide Digital Contest will debut at 1800 UTC on 4th June ending at 2359 on 5th June 2022. All non-RTTY modes are permitted. Going forward, RTTY will be the sole mode for the ARRL RTTY Roundup, which will continue to take place in January.

In broad strokes, this will be an HF – 6-meter event, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6 meters, with single-operator and multi-single entry categories. These are Single Operator, One Radio (SO1R), Single Operator, Two Radio (SO2R), and Multi-Single (MS). Overlays in the single-operator categories will include “all enclosed antennas” and “maximum of 8 operating hours.” Single-operator entries may operate for 24 hours (with off times taken in one or two breaks that are at least 60 minutes long), while MS entries may operate for the full 30 hours.

Operating assistance is permitted for all operating categories.

Power categories will be QRP (5 W transmitter output or less) and low-power (maximum 100 W PEP transmitter output).

The exchange for the World Wide Digital Contest will be a station’s four-character grid square designation. Stations may work each other once per band, regardless of digital mode. Participants will earn 1 point for each contact, plus 1 point for each 500 kilometers (310 miles) between stations. So, a contact between stations 1,000 kilometers apart would be worth 3 points. The total score is total contact points.

ARRL makes available a grid-center distance calculation tool. Options include kilometers (always rounded up), distance between pairs, and points.

For instructions on how to submit logs, visit the ARRL Contest page. Logs will be due 7 days after the event has concluded.

In succeeding years, the World Wide Digital Contest will take place on the first full weekend of June.

ARRL World Wide Digital Contest -