Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) Community Meeting
/The Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) will be holding their next community meeting on Saturday 24th July 2021, at 1700 Z. The meeting will be held via Zoom and is open to all. In the meeting, we’ll discuss:
Grants made to date in 2021, including our first grant made outside the U.S. to DARC, -Introductions of two new staff members: Grants Manager Chelsea Parraga, KF0FVJ., and Content Manager Dan Romanchik, KB6NU.
Questions from our attendees.
ARDC is a nonprofit that encourages and supports research regarding amateur radio, computer networking, and related topics. They have awarded more than $3 million in grants so far this year.
For more information on ARDC, go to For Zoom information for the community meeting, go to