Amateur Radio Software Award Goes to KN4CRD for JS8CALL

ARSA committee is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2nd annual Amateur Radio Software Award to Jordan Sherer, KN4CRD, and his project, JS8Call.

The Amateur Radio Software Award is an annual international award for the recognition of software projects that enhance amateur radio. The award aims to promote amateur radio software development which adhere to the same spirit as amateur radio itself: innovative, free and open. The award committee has considered numerous factors in choosing this year's winner, including the project's impact on furthering the interests of amateur radio, innovation, and community involvement.

JS8Call is a full-fledged weak-signal digital communication application for amateur radio operators. In the spirit of open-source, Jordan extended the popular FT8 protocol instead of reinventing the wheel. During the 5 years of development, JS8Call has become a new tool for ARES function and cultivated a community of radio enthusiasts for digital communications. Jordan's work on JS8Call provides important innovation to advance the art of radio in the digital field. JS8Call is licensed under GPLv3 and can be freely downloaded -

The ARSA committee is proud to present the 2021 Amateur Radio Software Award Certificate and an award grant of $300 to Jordan Sherer, the project owner and core contributor of the JS8Call application.

Amateur Radio Software Award -