Resuming UK Examinations in Clubs
/The RSGB remote invigilation exams have been a great success during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over 3,100 candidates have made the first step into the hobby by obtaining a Foundation pass, nearly 950 have progressed to the Intermediate exam and over 330 to the Full licence.
However, the UK Government’s roadmap to exiting the Covid-19 restrictions means we can now plan to resume exams for candidates who prefer to sit them in a club setting with in-person invigilation.
The RSGB will start accepting bookings from club Examination Secretaries from the date when the Government lifts all Covid-19 restrictions in their part of the UK. There will be some changes to make the booking process more streamlined and details will be released in a later communication.
The online remote invigilation exams will continue in parallel as they clearly satisfy demand from many candidates who do not have easy access to a club setting.
Mandatory practical assessments at the Foundation level will remain suspended pending an ESC/ESRG-led review and consultation on their long-term future. The review and consultation will consider whether the mandatory practical assessments should continue and, if so, in what form. The suspension will allow clubs time to get back on their feet after the long closure and will also avoid them having to get practical assessments back up and running only to find there may be changes made to those assessments after only a short time.
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