New RSGB EMF Calculator Available
/A new version of the RSGB/Ofcom EMF Calculator v0.1.2-rsgb9c is available for free download on the RSGB EMF page
Ofcom has produced a guidance document explaining what radio amateurs need to know about the new EMF licence condition. It includes a handy compliance flowchart that shows you step by step what you need to do to carry out your Assessment.
The first step is to determine your station's EIRP, the RSGB's Calculator will help you work this out and give the required Average EIRP value. If this value is 10 watts or less then all you need to do for the Assessment is record the calculated value, nothing else.
It is thought a significant number of amateur HF stations will find their Average EIRP value is 10 watts or less, if so the Compliance Distance doesn't apply.
If the EIRP is greater than 10 watts then you will need to follow the other steps in the flowchart.
Read Ofcom's What you need to know as an amateur radio user -
RSGB EMF page with Calculator -