New 70cm Catalonia Beacon

Since 1st March 2021 a new 70cm band beacon is active nearby Barcelona, sponsored by Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya-URCAT. The beacon is a homemade construction by EA3CNO, Antoni Navarro. The frequency allocation was agreed with the IARU R1 coordinator. It is located at Serra de Marina, 390m ASL with great views to the Mediterranean. It is expected to be an excellent tool to monitor tropospheric ducting over the Mediterranean.

Callsign: ED3YBF

Frequency: 432,405 MHz

Power = 2.5W

Locator: JN11CL

Antenna: Big Wheel omnidirectional 2dBd

PIRE = 7,123 dBW

Height: 390m above sea level

Modulation: A1A (CW)

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