QSO Expo Announces Integration of Groundbreaking Video Technology
/The QSO Today Virtual Ham Radio Expo, scheduled for 13-14 March 2021 has announced that it is partnering with Airmeet, a groundbreaking conference technology company, to dramatically improve the virtual interaction and networking experience for all attendees.
By integrating Airmeet’s technology into the Expo, attendees will take advantage of live round table video chat to interact with each other, with exhibitors, and speakers.
This includes:
The outside of each virtual speaker auditorium will now feature a virtual lounge with tables and chairs to facilitate live video “hallway meetups”, similar to what is found at an in-person event. Attendees can now pull up a chair and meet face to face using live video chat for a real “eyeball QSO” with friends and new friends.
Exhibitor booths will now incorporate virtual tables where small groups of booth visitors can virtually sit with exhibit staff to share product demos, answer questions, schmooze, and take orders - all done with live video chat technology.
The Expo team will leverage Airmeet’s technology to create virtual lounges throughout the Expo to enable high-quality video networking and discussion. This includes tables on specific subject areas such as HOA Antennas and Software Defined Radio so that amateur radio operators can discuss specific topics of interest with each other.
Attendees can now easily search for people they want to meet up with at the Expo using their call sign and then make a plan to meet at one of the lounges.
Early bird registration for the Expo - https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com