Indonesian Radio hams sign MoU with Defense University
/The Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian Defense University - Military Training) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Amateur Radio Organization of the Republic of Indonesia (Orari)
The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was carried out by the Rector of the Indonesian Defense University, Vice Admiral TNI Prof. Dr. Ir. Amarulla Octavian, ST, M.Sc., DESD and Acting Chairperson of the Indonesian Radio Amateur Organization (Orari) Sugeng Suprijatna, located in the Rector's Living Room of the Indonesian Defense University IPSC Sentul-Bogor Region, West Java. Thursday 18th November 2021.
The Chancellor of the Indonesian Defense University expressed his appreciation and gratitude and the highest appreciation to the Acting General Chairperson of the Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization (Orari) and his entourage because on the sidelines of their busy schedule they were pleased to be present to sign a memorandum of understanding which contained articles on cooperation in the development of the field. education, research and community service.
The Indonesian Defense University wants to install a radio communication system as a backup to anticipate if problems arise with the existing communication network at the Indonesian Defense University. The radio communication system can convey messages quickly, clearly and safely so that the Indonesian Defense University can also adopt a radio communication system.
Orari, if it is related to the world of education, is very closely related, in addition to the importance of the younger generation knowing the activities of radio amateurs in emergency matters, it is also important to introduce digital technology in the field of information to students as well as in conducting research.
The cooperation that can be carried out by the Indonesian Defense University with Orari includes cooperation in the fields of education, research and community service. The Indonesian Defense University's MoU with Orari can benefit both organizations. Indonesian Defense University students will be able to carry out research and community service together with Orari. Indonesian Defense University students can take part in training from Orari practitioners, not only in terms of technology, which is developing quite rapidly, but also in terms of skills, training motivation and others related to digital information technology. Furthermore, Orari members can also participate in the scholarship program provided by the Indonesian Defense University.
The Acting General Chair of the Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization (Orari) Sugeng Suprijatna, welcomed the cooperation with the Indonesian Defense University. The Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization (Orari) as the only forum for amateur radio lovers in Indonesia has a good contribution to development despite having a very segmented audience, but Orari has shown its integrity and consistency so that it can survive to this day. Orari assists the government in its service to the community by leveraging its capabilities, radio communication. Orari is not only a forum for amateur radio fans to develop their talents and hobbies, but Orari also has goals, functions and activities that are intended to help the community and the government.