USKA Rewards its Volunteers with Excursion
/On Saturday, November 6, 2021, the traditional annual meeting of USKA Executive Board employees took place.
"Executive Board employees" are members who make themselves available for the supervision of individual areas of responsibility and are willing to spend a few hours of their time a week on this, with different time commitments.
Examples of such tasks are QSL service, support HamAcademy and HamWebinar, contest evaluations, editors, band guard, EMC core team, IT systems and much more. Without our Board of Management employees, the USKA could not function properly.
In gratitude for these very valuable commitments, the USKA conducts an annual "excursion". This year this trip took us to Solothurn.
In the morning, the 21 attendees informed themselves about recent developments and projects of the USKA and discussed them with the representatives of the USKA board present. At the same time, a city tour through the extraordinarily well-preserved Solothurn Baroque old town took place for the accompanying persons. After lunch together in the historic restaurant "Baseltor", we visited the well-known museum ENTER, which covers computer and consumer electronics, under expert guidance in two groups -