FYSO 2021–26 Released
/The five-year spectrum outlook is the ACMA’s primary spectrum management document. It is released each year to provide a broad overview of trends that affect spectrum management and the factors used to inform the ACMA's spectrum planning and allocation priorities.
The FYSO 2021–26 outlines our priorities for the next 5 years. It includes a detailed annual work program, with activities and milestones for the 2021–22 financial year.
The ACMA has also released the submissions received for our draft FYSO consultation as well as our response to submissions. We thank all our stakeholders for their involvement in the FYSO process.
FYSO 2021–26 - https://acma.cmail19.com/t/d-l-aydijjk-tlidflddu-t/
FYSO Submissions - https://acma.cmail19.com/t/d-l-aydijjk-tlidflddu-i/