Iceland to Permit Renewal of Ham Radio Permits for 1.85 and 70 MHz

Iceland's IRA received positive responses from the Post and Telecom Administration (PFS/PTA) in December to their request for renewal of amateur radio permits for 160 meters and 4 meters

Frequency range 1850-1900 kHz in specified international competitions. It is valid for one year; 1st January to 31st December 2021.

The permit for the frequency range 70.000-70.250 MHz is valid for two years, 1.1.2021 to 31.12.2022.

Licensees need to apply for and renew special permits to the PTA, as older permits expired on December 31. An e-mail can be sent to or before shipments begin. It must be stated that an application (s) has been applied for a new period (cf. the above).

Specified international competitions in 160 meters:

  • CQ WW 160 meter competition, CW, 29.-31.1.2021

  • ARRL International DX Competition, CW, 20.-21.2.2021

  • CQ WW 160 meter competition, SSB, 26.-28.2.2021

  • ARRL International DX competition, SSB, 6.-7.3.2021

  • CQ WW WPX competition, SSB, 27.-28.3.2021

  • CQ WW WPX competition, CW, 29.-30.5.2021

  • IARU HF World Championship, CW / SSB, 10.-11.7.20212

  • CQ WW DX competition, SSB, 30.-31.10.2021

  • CQ WW DX competition, CW, 27.- 28.11.2021

  • ARRL 160 meter competition, CW, 3.-5.12.2021