ARRL Board elects new CEO
/The ARRL Board of Directors has elected David Minster, NA2AA, of Wayne, New Jersey, as ARRL’s new Chief Executive Officer, starting on 28th September 2020
“Building a culture of accomplishment and accountability is what I do best. My initial focus will be working with the Board on establishing strategic goals and concrete plans to navigate ARRL through the digital transformation required for the coming decades of its Second Century.
This includes exciting and innovative ways to be engaged in amateur radio, while growing activity and membership.”
Minster got his Novice license, WB2MAE, in 1977, when he was in his teens. He progressed from Advanced to Amateur Extra and, after a stint as NW2D, he settled on the vanity call sign NA2AA in the 1990s as a way to honor a mentor, N2AA, and the contest station that he used to frequent, K2GL, in Tuxedo Park, New York.
In addition to being an ARRL member, Minster is a member of AMSAT and has a special interest in satellites, digital communications, remote operation, and ham radio computing and software.
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