Hawaii Ham Radio exams in USA during pandemic
/In Hawaii, VE Team leader and Section Manager Joe Speroni, AH0A, said he and his team passed the 100-candidate mark on August 10 for video-supervised remote test sessions. Speroni said the most recent session administered exams to 10 candidates simultaneously.
ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, reports that through the end of July, overall FCC license activity was down by 15% compared to the same period last year. New amateur licenses are down by 12% so far in 2020, with 15,849 new licensees compared to 17,947 in 2019. “Upgraded licenses are down by a staggering 23% — 6,501 versus 4,984,” Somma said. “The year-end prediction of 7,500 upgrades is much lower than in previous years, which have averaged around 9,500.”
ARRL Story - http://www.arrl.org/news/technology-and-technique-making-ham-radio-testing-possible-during-pandemic