Findlay Radio Club Hamfest Cancelled
/Findlay Radio Club has cancelled its upcoming Hamfest, which typically draws about 2,000 ham radio enthusiasts to Findlay, Ohio
Dave Dryden KD8AVT, chairman of the now-cancelled event, said one thing he loves about the hobby is “there’s always something new.”
And without the internet or a phone line, he can talk to someone in New Zealand through ham radio, he said. Or, he can “listen to the (International) Space Station as it goes over.” Today, some people do connect their radios to their computers, Dryden said.
The club announced Wednesday that the festival, which had been scheduled for 13th September 2020, has been cancelled for the first time in its 78-year history. The event, hosted by the club and held at the Hancock County Fairgrounds, typically attracts about 2,000 ham radio enthusiasts from Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Canada.
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