Wireless Power Transfer: CIS/B/737/CDV rejected
/The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) has rejected a proposal by the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) lobby that would have resulted in pollution of the precious HF RF spectrum
While Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems nominally operate on frequencies below 150 kHz they can pollute the entire HF spectrum up to 30 MHz not only ruining people's enjoyment of radio but also potentially disrupting the communications of key services.
“the business case for WPT systems expects a wide spreading of their usage; in the ideal case, nearly one system per household when mostly electric vehicles will be used in the future.”
Such an outcome could result in horrendous interference levels and ruin the HF radio frequency spectrum which is a precious natural resource.
WPT Paper - https://fe.um.si/images/jet/JET_november_2019_FINAL_splet-11-17.pdf
CIS/B/737/CDV Voting Result - https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:7:3840419693584::::FSP_ORG_ID ,FSP_LANG_ID:1298,25