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Hamvention QSO Party

With Dayton Hamvention 2020 cancelled, the WWROF, in cooperation with the Hamvention organizers, have created a fun way for people to celebrate the Hamvention experience over the air and to thank the 700 volunteers - the Hamvention QSO Party.

The event is dedicated to the memory of Ron, W8ILC, who became a Silent Key just two days after the Hamvention 2020 cancellation announcement. Ron had attended every Hamvention since the beginning.

This is a 12-hour fun event on Saturday of Hamvention 16th May 2020 (1200-2400 UTC).

There are special bonus points for working W8BI, the club call of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA is the host of Hamvention) which will be activated by DARA members from their home stations.

Hamvention QSO Party - https://www.rof.org/hamvention-qso-party