National Radio Centre Volunteers Welcome Visitors on the Air

Whilst the National Radio Centre itself is currently closed, as is the Bletchley Park museum, the National Radio Centre volunteer team have taken the opportunity to run some nets to keep in touch with each other. We are acutely aware that whilst in self-isolation, it is more important than ever to stay in communication, so what better way than using amateur radio?

The NRC volunteers are running an 80m net on 3.730MHz most mornings at 10.30am and a 2m net on 144.330MHz most afternoons at 2.30pm. The NRC team have been enjoying an increasing number of stations calling in – and not just volunteers who work at the National Radio Centre. They have been joined by amateurs who had previously enjoyed a visit to the NRC, or had planned to do so. Everyone is welcome.

The NRC volunteers look forward to greeting more amateurs and listeners in the weeks to come.