Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club Begins Daily Health & Welfare Broadcasts
/Going forward, the Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club (FLARC) is holding a nightly health and welfare net during the coronavirus outbreak.
Broadcasts are 7 pm on the W2NPT FLARC repeater which is 145.470 (-) PL 167.9 or via Echolink.
The net is self-directed and amateurs in the area are welcome to check-in, stay in touch and pass along information and support.
The opening night of the net, 14 March 2020, realized 14 members and guests check-in from New Jersey and Florida.
The Monday night Near and Far net remains unchanged beginning 8 pm at the same locations.
Questions? Call Ed Efchak at 802-282-6700 or email wx2r@arrl.net.
Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club (FLARC) - http://www.fairlawnarc.org