FT4 and JS8 Added to the RFzero

A new version of the RFzero library has been released that among other things include FT4 and JS8 encoding. Thus the RFzero is now able to transmit PC-less FT4 free text or hex messages and JS8 heartbeat message from kHz to GHz.

The RFzero is a multi-purpose GPS controlled RF unit. It can be used as a beacon (IBP, SPB, CW, FT4, FT8, JS8, JT9, PI4, WSPR, …), signal generator, VFO, QO-100 dual LO, low-cost GPSDO, e.g. for 10 MHz, or… Furthermore, the RFzero is an Arduino compatible platform. So it is possible for you to write or modify the software yourself. More than 20 programs, Arduino sketches, are integrated into the Arduino IDE for easy upload to the RFzero.

RFzero library - http://www.rfzero.net/