Young Alabama Radio Hams Earn Awards

Three Alabama young Amateur / Ham Radio Operators have been recognised for their skills during recent local and national competitions.

Warren Whitby W4RRN, 16, Bryant Rascoll KG5HVO, 14 and Marissa Robledo W4AQT, 11 are members of the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club and their futures appear to be exceedingly bright.

Whitby received this year’s American Radio League’s “Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award” in Huntsville. He built his own ham radios including an antenna.

He also represented the young generation of hams as part of the Amateur Radio delegation at the Alabama State Capitol. Gov. Kay Ivey signed a proclamation designating the week of 24th June 2018 as Amateur Radio Week in Alabama.

Rascoll was selected as the 2018 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Radio Newsline “Young Ham of the Year.” He received his award in August at a ham radio convention in Huntsville.

Robledo has been named first runner up for the Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award.

During the past year she has given satellite demonstrations to various clubs and groups. She is considered to be an excellent ambassador for amateur radio.

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