Hamvention Used AM Information Radio Station
/Whilst most VK hamfests, and usually the WIA AGM host clubs, use 2 meters to provide an information hub for attendees, in an effort to avoid the first-day traffic tangles of Hamvention, they utilized a low-power Information Radio Station on 1620 kHz AM to get out the word on traffic, parking, and event details to visitors as they approached the city.
The town hosted some 25,000 Amateur Radio operators, exhibitors, and the curious, nearly doubling Xenia's population when the event was under way.
Due to the web of two-lane roads that serves the venue, interstate visitors for their first visit etc., Hamvention established shuttle-bus operation to alleviate traffic congestion to all their venues.
The AM information station helped persuade visitors to park at the shuttle lots, and take a shuttle to the venue.