160m Band Wireless Power Transfer

Texzon Technologies has been granted an FCC experimental license, callsign WJ2XGB, to test Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) from 1710 kHz to 1900 kHz in the 160-metre band

Texzon Technologies apparently aim to conduct testing in the spectrum range from 1710 kHz to 1900 kHz with an input power of less than 5 kW and EIRP limited to 100 watts or less. The FCC license permits an ERP of 1000 watts.

The submission to the FCC listed Michael Taylor KG5IUC as being involved in the project - https://apps.fcc.gov/els/GetAtt.html?id=202374&x=.

FCC database - https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/els/reports/GetApplicationInfo.cfm?id_file_num=0924-EX-CN-2017

Texzon Technologies, LLC - http://www.texzontechnologies.com/

The SWLing Post - https://swling.com/

New Experimental Radio licenses - https://twitter.com/experimradio