RSGB - Impact of VDSL interference on Amateur Radio Service
/The RSGB has released an interim report - Determination of impact of VDSL interference on the Amateur Radio Service
The RSGB has been measuring the levels of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) from VDSL broadband since 2014. Work has included measurements on test sites and at Amateur Stations where RFI was reported as degrading communication. A summary of the levels for 92 locations reported in 2016 recorded typical RFI levels for the VDSL bands. A detailed report covering eleven reported problem locations dated 28/9/2016 was produced, shared with and discussed with BT, Openreach and Ofcom.
As a result of this meeting, limited observations from Ofcom concluded that levels observed at amateurs’ premises did not constitute Harmful Interference. RSGB refuted this and a further set of tests were proposed.
RSGB Forum - VDSL Emission Investigation -
VDSL Interim Report PDF -