Management Restructure at HRD

Following recent customer service issues, Ham Radio Deluxe have restructured their management team.

“Ham Radio Deluxe software would have been abandoned in 2011 without Rick’s partnership. Rick’s day-to-day leadership in running the business has contributed to the vitality and functionality of Ham Radio Deluxe.”
— HRD co-owner Dr Michael Carper.

Rick Ruhl, a co-owner since buying the code base in 2011 has decided to pursue other interests.

The company has acted after users who publicly posted negative reviews of the product suffered when their software licence was disabled remotely.

Ruhl accepted responsibility for the poor customer service, initially blaming outsourced customer service issues.

There have been claims that Ruhl had threatened customers who had spoken critically of the product with legal action.

Ruhl has suggested that his health and medication had affected his judgement and that he is seeking medical advice.

A new end user agreement will be sent to customers to advise the changes the company will make to resolve the issues

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